Sunday Worship Service

Worship Services are at 10:30 am each Sunday in the Sanctuary, and include beautiful music from Musical Director, Keenan Reimer-Watts, thoughtful sermons from Pastor Cory Bradford-Watts, and moments for reflection and prayer.

Note: July and August Services are held in the Lower Hall of the Church.

Community Sundays

For the last Sunday of each month (typically), one of the community members volunteers to organize and host the service. This is a unique opportunity for anyone who has any talents, issues, or information that they would like to present to our church family.

Coffee Hour/ Community Discussions

Often at the end of our services, the floor is open for people to share their thoughts and how God is speaking to them that day. Following our Sunday services, we often gather together for community, coffee, and snacks!

During some coffee hours, we as a community hold further discussions on a variety of things, including spirituality, community goals, and other topics.

Sunday Messages with Community Voices - Below is one of the recent messages from our Minister, Cory Coberforward. Click here for more videos.